Who are Master Interprofessional Educators?
Master Interprofessional Educators (MIEs) have completed basic interprofessional facilitation training, attended continuing professional development sessions, and served as an educator in interprofessional curriculum. The CIPE’s newest MIEs join a robust community of trained educators who engage with learners in the classroom and clinical practice sites.
MIEs who facilitated in CIPE curriculum had a greater level of confidence than those who have not been through the program (on a scale of 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree, 4.9 for MIE vs 4.5 for other facilitators; p<0.01).
Earning your Master Interprofessional Educator Certificate

Learn: IPE 101 and IPE 201 are offered as in-person workshops once in the Spring and Fall academic semesters.
Participate: In 2 workshops over 2 years. The CIPE continuing education events include:
- attending CIPE-sponsored workshops
- serving on standing CIPE committees or teams
- running an IP educational activity for learners
- attending an external IPE focused conference/ workshop.
Teach: IPE required curriculum, IPE electives.
Start your MIE today! Check out the CIPE’s professional development workshops.
Congratulations 2023-2024 Master Interprofessional Educators!
Isaac Butler, PharmD, MBA, CDFT
Beth Crowner, PT, DPT, NCS, MPPA
Jessica Dashner, OTD, OTR/L
Timothy Evans, MD
Keely Finney, CHW, LCSW
Elizabeth Gavin, RN, MSN
Jennifer Griffith, MD, PhD
Erin Herrera, MSN, CRNA
Martha Hoffman, DNP, MBA, RN
Christine Kelso, PharmD, BCPS, AE-C
Julie Lewis, MSN, BA, RN
Maithilee Menezes, MD
Rachel Moquin, EdD
Jessica Nelson, MD
Rachita Nikam, MS, CGC
Poli Rijos, MSW, LCSW
Kelly Ann Schmidtke, PhD
Gladys Smith, PsyD
Ryan Smith, BSW, CHW
Amanda Stoermer, MSW
Swarup Varaday, MD, FRCA

Left to right with Haley Johnson, PharmD: Beth Crowner, Poli Rijos, Swarup Varady, and Maithilee Menezes

- Lauren Felton, AuD
- Ann Marie Mohr, MA, Certified Dementia & Applied Improv Practitioner
Genetic Counseling:
- Erin McRoy, MS, CGC
- Kay Horner, MD
- Erin Kane, MD
- Ashley Turner, MD
- Erin Arcipowski, PhD, RN, TNS
- Fatemeh Choupani, PhD, RN
- Sarah Decker, APRN, FNP-C
- Angela Painter, MSN, RN
- Rebecca Rodman, MSN, RN
- Dusty Scheper, MSN, RN, CHSE
- Becky Schrama, MA, BSN, RN
- Aja Sullivan, MSN-ED, MBA-HCM, RN, CNE, CNRN, PMH-BC
Occupational Therapy:
- Christine Berg, PhD, OTR/L
- Lauren Milton, OTD, OTR/L
- Stacy West-Bruce, OTD, MSW, OTRL
- Julie Bickers, RPh
- Catherine Gilmore, PharmD
Physical Therapy:
- Megan Burgess, DPT, OCS
- Jackie Dwyer, DPT
Social Work:
- Christa Burke, MSW, LCSW

Jessie Bricker, OTD, OTR/L
Caroline Day, MD, MPH
Julie Lewis, MPH
John Lin, MD
Sara Lingow, Pharm.D
Travis Linneman, Pharm.D
Sara Richter, Pharm.D
Melanie VanDyke, PhD
Tammy Burlis, PT, DPT, MHS, CCS
Dennis Chang, MD
Lee Jerls, MSN, RN
Catherine Kush, DNP, GNP-BC
Angela McConachie, DNP, FNP
Amy Tiemeier, Pharm.D., BCPS
Quinn Tyminski, OTD, OTR/L, BCMH

Not pictured: Douglas Char (WUSM), Stephanie Crist (UHSP), Holly Diesel (GSON), Carolyn Dufault (WUSM), Rebecca Stauffer (UHSP).