Guidelines for Scholarly Work and Authorship
CIPE activities involve faculty and students from multiple schools and academic programs. Through these activities, there are many opportunities for collaborative scholarly work. The CIPE Steering Committee endorses the following guidelines for all CIPE-related scholarly work.
- Individuals from the CIPE collaborating institutions planning to undertake interprofessional scholarly work should consult the CIPE director early in the process of their project’s development. The role of the CIPE director in this capacity is advisory, connective and supportive, ensuring that individuals developing scholarly work have a complete and accurate understanding of the CIPE and its activities, can avoid duplicating scholarly efforts already underway by others, are aware of resources to support these efforts, and are appropriately involving collaborative partners in the scholarly work. The nature of any subsequent, ongoing involvement of the CIPE director in the scholarly work will be mutually agreed upon by both parties at the initial consultation.
- The CIPE Steering Committee endorses the Washington University Policy for Authorship on Scientific and Scholarly Publications for all CIPE-related scholarly activities. Individuals planning to conduct scholarly work that may result in dissemination activities should review the Washington University Policy early in their project’s development and comply with this Policy in all dissemination activities (including manuscripts and abstracts, among others).
- CIPE Steering Committee members will work with their scholars and the CIPE director to resolve any issues that may arise related to these CIPE Steering Committee Guidelines for Scholarly Work and Authorship.
CIPE Assessment Committee – December 5, 2016
CIPE Steering Committee – December 16, 2016